BioMag® Maxi Carboxyl

£588.00 Price ex. VAT

Quantity: 10 ml

BioMag® Maxi superparamagnetic particles are 3-12µm irregularly shaped iron oxide particles. This size distinguishes BioMag® Maxi from our well known conventional BioMag® particles that are approximately 1.6µm and our BioMag®Plus particles that are approximately 1µm. It has been shown that larger, denser particles are more efficient in immunomagnetic capture assays, especially in viscous solutions.


BioMag® Maxi superparamagnetic particles are 3-12µm irregularly shaped iron oxide particles. This size distinguishes BioMag® Maxi from our well known conventional BioMag® particles that are approximately 1.6µm and our BioMag®Plus particles that are approximately 1µm. It has been shown that larger, denser particles are more efficient in immunomagnetic capture assays, especially in viscous solutions.

Concentration: 20mg/ml

Requires: Cold Pack

Hazards: Harmless-use normal precautions
Handling: Exercise normal care
Storage: Store at 4 degrees celsius;Do not permit to freeze